Sex and gender differences in COVID-19 cardiovascular complication: a narrative review

Document Type : Review Article


1 Nursing Student, Student Research Committee of Quchan, Mashhad University of Medical

2 استادیار، دانشکده پرستاری قوچان، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد



Background and Aims: COVID-19 infection primarily leads to respiratory failure in severe cases, though; cardiovascular complications also account for a high percentage of mortality. The present study reviews the sex and gender differences in COVID-19 cardiovascular complications.       
Materials and Methods: In this narrative study, the English and Persian papers from PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar from 2019 to 2023 were reviewed. The used keywords were COVID-19, coronavirus, sex differences, gender, and cardiovascular disorders. 180 papers were found in total and 62 papers were selected finally.         
Results: COVID-19 infection leads to many cardiovascular complications such as acute myocardial injuries, myocarditis, stress cardiomyopathy, etc… It seems that differences in cardiovascular status in health and disease between two sexes are among the most important factors involved in different severity and mortality of covid-19. Different sociocultural situations of men and women as well as distinctive factors such as pregnancy, parturition, and lactation could also be effective in the susceptibility of women.            
Conclusion: A comprehensive understanding of different cardiovascular outcomes and pathologic responses between males and females could have a fundamental role in promoting and designing customized strategies in clinical evaluation, prevention, and treatment for each sex.            


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