Winners of the Nobel Prize in Neuroscience from the Beginning Until Now

Document Type : Review Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran


Introduction: There are nowadays numerous outstanding scientific and literary prizes; however, none of which has the credibility of the Nobel Prize. The story of heroic endeavors of Nobel winners has valuable implications for researchers, especially young researchers, which may exert a significant impact on their future planning. Therefore, the present study aimed to take a closer look at Nobel Prize winners in the field of neuroscience.
Materials and Methods: This study was library research using different books and articles. Thereafter, the content was categorized and presented.
Results: Golgi and Cajal conducted a study on the basic structure of the nervous system. Barani received a Nobel Prize for the performance of research on the vestibular system of the ear, Schally and Gillman for a study on the pituitary gland and spray due to the development of Split-Brain technique. Moreover, Shrington and Adrian performed a study on encephalography and neurotransmitter, Loewi and Hallett won the Nobel Prize for discovering the chemical exchanges of the autonomic nervous system messengers, and Axelord won this prize owing to the discovery of the mechanism of sympathetic nervous system transmission( with Euler and Katz).
Gasser and Erlanger won the Noble Prize for their investigation of the electrophysiology of neurons, Ecelss, Hodgki, and Huxley for their study on the mechanisms involved in the stimulation and inhibition of nerves, and Hubel and Wiesel for research on the visual system, Kandel for an investigation on the physiology of memory(with Greengard and Carlsson), and  May-Britt, his wife, and O'Keefe won the Nobel prize for discovering the cells of the positioning system in the human brain.
Conclusion: The notable point in the lives of these scientists is that they were not involved just in one field, rather they were successful in a variety of domains. They went through a lot of hardships and worked hard with perseverance and love despite enormous problems they faced in the course of their lives.


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