Comparison Effect of Jacobson and Benson Relaxation on the Elderly's Depression

Document Type : Original article


1 Department of Motor Behavior, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, I. R. Iran.

2 M.Sc in pathology and Corrective Exercises, faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Arak University, Arak, Iran


The Jacobson and Benson relaxation are systematic techniques that can be used to
obtain deep relaxation. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of two relaxation techniques
(Jacobson & Benson) on depression in the elderly.

Materials and Methods: The method of this study was semi-experimental. Among all elderly in
JahanDideghan home of Boroujen, who had the conditions to enter the present study, 30 people
selected and after completing the Beck Depression Inventory as a pre-test, they were divided into
three groups of 10 people (controls, Benson relaxation and Jacobson relaxation). In the following,
experimental groups performed relaxation exercises for 8 weeks and 3 sessions per week. In the end,
Beck Depression Inventory was completed again as a post-test by the elderly. To analyze the
statistical data, paired t-test and repeated measures test were used.

Results: According to the results of paired t-test, mean scores of depression before and after
intervention significantly different in the two experimental groups (P=0/001). However, this
difference was not significant in the control group (P=0/34). Also, based on the results of repeated
measures test, there was a significant difference between Benson and Jacobson relaxation groups
(P=0/04), which means that the Jacobson relaxation group improved more than the Benson relaxation
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, Jacobson and Benson relaxation methods have a
significant effect on depression in the elderly and can be used as useful tools for depression
improvement in elderly care centers.


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